Income Eligibility Criteria


(Effective January 2022)

Persons in family/household Poverty Guideline Modified Net Income Level (MIL) Not to Exceed: 300% of FPL
1 $13,590 $40,770
2 $18,310 $54,930
3 $23,030 $69,090
4 $27,750 $83,250
5 $32,470 $97,410
6 $37,190 $111,570
7 $41,910 $125,730
8 $46,630 $139,890

For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $4,720 for each additional person.

A financially eligible client pursuant to IOLTA guidelines is currently limited to a modified net income level (MIL) not to exceed 300% of the most recent United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) poverty guidelines for the particular family size of the client household.

Modified net income level (MIL) is defined as the client's annual gross household income, less taxes and essential regular and emergent expenditures, (food, clothing, shelter and medical care, etc.) and adjusted for other special circumstances such as seasonal variations and prospective changes in income, and (ii) situations where the clients do not have available liquid assets to pay for an attorney, as defined in written policies promulgated by the grantee's board of trustees.

Each grantee shall take into account an applicant's available assets and liabilities other than income, including all special circumstances, seasonal variations and prospective changes, before making a final determination as to eligibility. Special circumstances may be used to reduce or increase income before applying the 300% MIL income standard.

Services may also be provided to persons receiving, at the time of determination of eligibility, any federal or state form of means-tested public benefits, including but not limited to Work First New Jersey (TANF and GA), SSI, SNAP (formally Food Stamps), and New Jersey Family Care (all programs thereunder), without a new determination of income level.



The IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey
One Constitution Square
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1520
Phone: 732-247-8222